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General Event Settings

Open the General Event Settings dialog to arm or disarm the camera's main event control and to configure associated functions such as custom signals, the master/slave feature or the event LEDs.

Note: Click on the More button at the bottom of the dialog to display all options.

Description of Parameters

Main Event Arming

Option Parameter

When you deactivate arming permanently or temporarily, events will continue to be recognized (and highlighted in the image symbols) but they will not be processed any further. Consequently, the images are not stored, the event counter is not incremented and neither actions nor messages are executed.

enabled The camera is always armed.
Off The camera is not armed: No image storage, actions or messages.
SI closed (low) The camera is armed only when the signal input is closed (e.g. by a key switch).
SI open (high) The camera is armed only when the signal output is open.
CS1, CS2, CSL The camera is armed only when the corresponding custom signal is true.
From Master The camera is armed only when the master camera is armed.
Slave Mode Main Event Arming as well as the arming states of the four subsystems Recording, Actions, Messaging and Messaging 2 2 are armed only—each on its own and independently from one another—when the respective subsystem on the master camera is armed.

Main Arming of the camera can also be controlled using a touch-tone phone. For additional information on this topic, see the Camera Remote Control via ISDN help page in the Camera Remote Control section.

Time Table Profile

In order to arm the camera in a time-controlled manner, you need to select a Time Table Profile. You need to enable arming. The time table profile can also be combined with arming via signal-input.

Custom Signals

Option Parameter

The custom signals CS1, CS2 and CSL are states maintained on the local camera that can be configured to update themselves from various sources and that can then be fed as additional inputs into the camera's arming controls for Main Event Arming, Recording, Actions, Messaging and Messaging 2.

The possible input sources for CS1 and CS2 are:

Off The custom signal is set to false.
Signal Input The custom signal updates itself from a local signal input. Use the signal input and signal input state parameters to further configure the signal.
Time Table Profile The custom signal derives its state from a local time table profile. Use the time table parameter to choose this time table.
From Master The custom signal will be true only when the respective custom signal on the master camera is also true.

The possible input sources for CSL, the so-called logically combined custom signal, are as follows:

Off The custom signal CSL is locally set to false.
CS1 and CS2 CSL will be true only when both local custom conditions CS1 and CS2 are true at the same time.
CS1 or CS2 CSL will be true only when at least one of the local custom conditions CS1 and CS2 is true.
From Master CSL will be true only when CSL is true on the master camera.

Another important property of the custom signals is the fact that they can also be distributed among a set of networked cameras using the Master/Slave feature.

Signal Input

Allows you to specify which of the available signal inputs to use as input for the respective custom signal. Depending on your camera model, you will have the following options:

M12, D12
  • Signal Input (pin 9-5)
  • CTS Signal (pin 8-5)
  • DSR Signal (pin 6-5)
  • RxD Signal (pin 2-5)
M2x (using the optional CamIO extension box)
  • Signal Input 1
  • Signal Input 2
Signal Input Status

Allows you to specify which particular state of the signal input channel sets the respective custom signal to true:

closed (low) The custom signal will be true only when the selected signal input circuit is closed.
open (high) The custom signal will be true only when the selected signal input circuit is open.
Time Table Profile

This list allows you to select one of the locally defined time table profiles as input for the corresponding custom signal. The custom signal will be true only when the time table profile is currently active.


Option Parameter
Enable Master/Slave

This feature allows arming state and custom signals of a master camera to be distributed throughout a set of slave cameras that can then use this information to control their own arming. Activate this option if you would like your camera to operate either as master or as slave. Deactivate this option otherwise to save system resources.

Note: The camera can very well be configured to operate as master and as slave at the same time in order to implement cascading master/slave hierarchies. In this case, be careful to avoid circular configurations.
Master Camera

If you would like to use this camera in Slave mode, enter the master camera from which the arming status and custom signals will be imported. The master camera can be specified either as an IP address or as DNS name. Leave this field blank if this camera will be used only as Master.

Replication Protocol Port

The Master/Slave feature uses a network protocol to replicate the status of the master camera to a set of slave cameras. Enter the IP port to be opened on each participating camera in this field. Note that you need to use the same replication protocol port for all cameras involved in one master/slave system. The default port is 60000.


Option Parameter
Flashing LEDs

This parameter controls the flashing of the camera LEDs that have been set to Event in the LED Setup dialog:

  • Flash on recorded events (default): The Event LEDs are flashing while the camera records an event.
  • Flash on any event: The Event LEDs are flashing if the camera detects an activated event.
  • Do not flash LEDs: The Event LEDs will not flash.
Blinking LEDs

This parameter provides numerous options for controlling the blinking (slower than flashing) of the camera LEDs that have been set to Event in the LED Setup dialog. The default setting is Blink on recording.

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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